Farm to Table Meats

for pick up locally or delivered to your door

Veteran OWNED and Operated

Premium Quality Angus Beef and Better Than Duroc Pork

With the price of meat going up at the grocery store, now is the best time to buy straight from the farm and cut the middle man. Our steaks will rival or beat any high end steak house, our genetics are selected for marbling and natural growth.

Do you ever wonder why the meat at the grocery store looks so good all the time? It’s because it’s pumped with preservatives, salt, and chemicals to give it that luscious coloring. At BAMF Stock Farms, we use the age-old preservative effect of rapid freezing.

Our meat is free from chemicals, preservatives, salt, and our Angus crossed cattle do not get growth hormones for greater yields.

reviews from other grocery store ditchers

It’s hard to go back to grocery store meat now. It really is awesome.

We did the ham in shaved deli ham, and that is awesome!! We make our version of Hardee’s frisco breakfast sandwich with it, yummm!

We love them!!! We got 1/2 regular brats and 1/2 jalapeno cheddar. We got like 50+ packs of brats!

We sous vide the ham.  Put it in the AM-go out on the boat all day, and come back to it perfectly done! Soooo good.